
We have a few tips for you.

European BCO Delegation heard that Ireland’s National Broadband Plan is on time and on budget National Broadband Ireland (NBI), the company responsible for delivering the Irish Government’s National Broadband Plan (NBP) in the intervention area, today hosted a delegation from EU Member States. The session featured the rollout of fibre broadband to rural Ireland under the[…]

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Artificial intelligence (AI) is the most urgent technology issue of our times. Every week brings a major inflection point, whether it’s OpenAI, Google, Anthropic or any of the other hundreds of big organisations racing to develop parts of an unprecedentedly powerful engine that is already starting to reshape societies. We’ve never seen potential like it.[…]

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12th July 2022, IRELAND: Granahan McCourt, the company behind National Broadband Ireland [‘NBI’], is pleased to announce its partnership with Asterion Industrial Partners [‘Asterion’], a pan European long term infrastructure investment manager, to deliver Ireland’s National Broadband Plan. Agreement has now been reached for Asterion to acquire the interests held by Oak Hill Advisors, Twin[…]

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Ireland has been reading about yet another prospective financial transaction at the much bought, much sold, Eir. The telecoms company recently announced an intention to sell nearly half of the company’s fibre network in Ireland, a transaction that would net the business significant capital. However, this time it might be good news not just for the[…]

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A few months ago, I wrote in this newspaper that the inaction in Washington DC coupled with the European Union’s new Digital Services and Digital Markets Acts would cause global confusion and complication for both tech companies and consumers. The world and the global markets desire clear rules and clear paths forward, not complexity and confusion. Since I wrote that, matters have become worse. With Washington’s inaction, individual States have stepped in to fill the void in setting[…]

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America and the EU account for over 40% of the world’s GDP and outsize regulatory and technological clout. However, this dominance could disappear as fast as American and Europe’s industrial strength did unless both sides immediately rebuild the transatlantic rift caused mostly by Mr. Trump. Let’s talk about the space that underpins the future of[…]

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